Whats going on Orlando? Its me Austin here with the #XLAllAccessCrew powered by 411 pain. Just been out here doing my thing you know. Wow, did any of you get to go to the Orlando City game at the new stadium? Let me be the first to tell you that place is sick! The crowd gets super loud because of the way the roof over the sections echoes out, so be ready for the noise if you get a chance to see a game. And shout out to my friend Hayswift for coming through with tickets, you a real one.
Some jams I've been listening to lately are
Daft Punk- Aerodynamic
Justice - Safe and Sound
The XX - I See You
Nicole Moudaber - Take Hold
Check those out and turn the bass up!
I will be out and around this week with the radio station so come by and say hello and maybe get some free XL gear ;)
I'll be at Chillers on church st tomorrow with Marissa and the Ron Jon shop in Cocoa on Saturday!