It's time to pick a side in #Sidetakers! Check out the situation below and side with one of them... you can't create a solution... you have to pick a side!
Gavin has been dating and living with a guy for about two years. He loves Gavin very much and is really upset that he is looked over for promotions. Gavin works long hours and weekends if they need him to. Gavin boyfriend feels that Gavin should say something about being looked over and stop putting up with it.
They're having a company "Happy Hour" next week and allowed to bring their mate if they'd like to.
Leah knows about Gavin's boyfriend and feels that he shouldn't bring him. She knows that he hates the way that they're treating Gavin. It isn't as bad as he thinks but his mind is set. Leah feels by bringing him and drinks being involved, may make Gavin's boyfriend say how he really feels in front of the office. He's very protective of Gavin and feels that he would be helping him by saying something. Gavin is a "go with the flow" kinda guy, where is boyfriend is a bit aggressive.
Gavin thinks that maybe he should tell him. Gavin also knows that his boyfriend could end up saying something that could be misunderstood. Their office is so small that Gavin's boyfriend would never know he wasn't invited because they have "Happy Hour" a couple times a year and mates aren't invited. The boyfriend has no problem with Gavin going.
Someone is leaving the office in couple months and Gavin feels that he is a shoe in for that promotion. He also doesn't want anything to mess it up. Even if it's all out of love.
Side with Gavin and he'll tell his boyfriend, and something could possibly be said at the Happy Hour.
Side with Leah and he won't say a word and they go to the Happy Hour together.