Last week I came across an article promoting A #DayWithoutAWoman and forwarded it to Laura. I felt an urge to join in but was afraid of what people might think. I didn't want people to think I was simply using it as an excuse to skip work.
Too often I feel we miss out on things because we are afraid of being judged. Since announcing on social media I was participating, I've gotten dozens of messages/comments mocking my choice to demonstrate. I've been called a 'femi-nazi', among other choice words.
But I realized that's EXACTLY why I need to join. Because regardless of what those women (or men) believe.... I don't think women are yet equal. We have come a longgg way over history, but I still believe we have a ways to go. For instance....
Income inequality
Sexual harassment
Paid maternity leave
Women's healthcare
Racial/religious/ gender discrimination
…among many others.
Have I experienced all of those issues personally? Nope. I haven't needed to fight for paid maternity leave. I haven't been discriminated for being a woman of color. But does that mean it doesn't happen around the country? Of course not.
If you asked me a few years ago whether I would be someone joining in a march/protest/demonstration....I literally would have laughed at you. I never used to give two you-know-whats about politics.
But as I grow older I realize how politics really DOES affect me. Healthcare laws affect me. Workplace laws affect me. Income inequality affects me.
I've also read many articles that claim the strike tomorrow "is mostly for the privileged". And I believe there is some truth to that. I realize I’m incredibly blessed, which is why I feel it's important to participate. To participate for those who can't. Because the reality is, I wouldn't be able to strike if it weren't for other women throughout history doing the same for me. I want to pay it forward.
So that's why I'm striking tomorrow. And if you still disagree, then no worries! You don't have to participate. That's the beauty of America. ;)
But if you do want to learn more, check out all the details here! (And for those who aren't able to take the day off work but still want to participate...feel free to wear red in solidarity. All the details at
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