Now I know you're saying to yourself "Yeah...come on. Thee Steve Harvey gave you personal advice that led you to getting married"?
Yes, really...
The Story:
A little over 5 years ago I was a very unhappy and lonely soul. I was working for another iHeartRadio station up in Detroit called Mix 92.3 . Steve Harvey had a syndicated show on the station and would stop in to chat with in my eyes the QUEEN of Detroit Frankie Darcel . Their discussion topics would range from general news to relationship advice while I would sit there in the corner capturing it all on video.
One day during Steve Harvey's visit they were discussing the fact that good men are having difficulty finding a good girl. I knew I was in trouble when Frankie Darcell's eyes lit up as she looked over to me with a smile. (Side Note: At multiple events, Frankie would call out the fact that I was an eligible bachelor to audiences of dozens.)
"You know, we actually have a good guy in the studio right now that is having a hard time finding a girl." - Frankie said as she waived me over to the chair next to her.
"Have a seat" - Steve said with a smile.
I sat down in the chair next to Steve and I had no idea I was about to get advice that would change my life.
"Are you currently seeing someone?"- Steve Harvey
"Yeah, well sort of." - Me
"Let me guess, they are fun and amazing, but you just don't have that fireworks feeling in your belly." - Steve Harvey
"Yeah, I mean they are awesome, but just something is missing and my heart isn't there." - Me
"I see. Well Derek, let me tell you a little story..." - Steve Harvey
STORY BELOW (As Best As I Can Remember It)
"When I was young man, we lived on a tiny street and by tiny street, I mean a street with very limited parking. One day I went up to my mother and said: "Mom, I am thinking about getting a new car". My mother put her finger up to tell me to hold and walked to the front window opening the curtains and pointed out at my old rusted car in the street. "First you have to take care of that car first" - She said. I looked out at my car sitting in that lonely parking spot, flat tire, dirty interior, and barely running. "Ahhh whatever" I thought to myself.
A few days go by and I look out at that rusted car and thought to myself "Man I want a new car". So one day I went outside and I fixed the flat tire. The next day I went out and completely cleaned the inside out. The day after that I cleaned up the car real good and a few days after that...I sold the car. The day after I sold the car I went outside and swept up that parking spot in front of the house real nice.
A few days after that...I went to that same front window I was looking out at my old rusted car from and I was now looking at my new car."
What does this mean?
You need to prepare your life by making room for something new.
I went home, I deleted my dating website profiles and I began to focus on myself. I stopped searching and it was hard. Days turned into months and I started to notice that I stopped going out to bars/events hoping to meet people. I just enjoyed time with my friends.
Finally, two days before Christmas my wife walked into my life. It was a moment in my life where I can honestly say my heart sank at first sight of her. She moved to Florida a week later and below is our story.
My advice to you as you sit there reading this...wait and it will find you.
PS: I should have taken a photo with Steve Harvey that day