18 Bizarre Sex Facts You Probably Didn't Know
Let's get adult here for a minute. Do you think you know a lot about sex? Well did you know any of these 18 bizarre sex facts?
1: Did you know 10% of adults have sex where they work? Windexing my desk right now
2. Many consider Sperm an anti-aging treatment for the skin.
The most awkward video above
3. Sex can actually BOOST YOUR IMMUNE system!
4. Condoms are only good for about 2-3 years.Clear out that drawer....you know which one I am talking about.
5. Sex reduces STRESS! Research shows that sex will calm your nerves, lower blood pressure and reduce stress.Tough day at the office? Send a text to your loved one and tell them "Tonight's the night!"
6. Post-gym sex is the perfect time to GET BUSY!Not only do you feel sexy, but your testosterone levels are off the chart! Plus, look in that mirror....just look how good you look and feel.
7. Nipplegasms? Are they for real? Yes, nipplegasms are real. Stimulation of the nipples causes release of oxytocin, which can cause the same contractions associated with orgasms.
8. How fast is ejaculation during a male orgasm? 28 MPH!
9. Want better orgasms? DRINK WATER! Staying hydrated keeps your body full of energy and keeps your "fluid" levels high. I don't know what it is, but that word fluid associated with the human body is gross.
10. Socks lead to better orgasms?! Studies have shown that socks keep you from getting cold feet and leave you with a sense of comfort while doing the "deed".
11. Sex can possibly CURE HEADACHES!Researchers found that 60% of migraine sufferers reported that sex helped ease their pain!
12. The LARGEST natural penis recorded is 18.9 inches! Literally a third leg
13. Shaving your pubic area will increase your chances of spreading an STD.
14. Over 11,000 people are injured each year during sex. Be careful people!
15. Average sexual experiences lasts around 37 minutes.
16. Two-thirds of men and women think about other people during sex.
17. Woman are more likely to commit adultery during their ovulation.
18. During sex, men burn 100-200 calories on average. A woman however only burn around 70 calories.
So go burn some calories, drink water, eat well, reduce stress, get rid of that headache and have some fun!