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Man Pulls Out Of Garage Into Tornado!

Man Pulls Out Of Garage Into Tornado Tearing Up His House!

I can only imagine this guy was pacing around his house looking out the window thinking to himself "Man, it really looks bad out there and I literally have no beer if the power goes out.  Welp!  Better hurry and run to the story before the wind picks up."

Pulls his truck out of the garage not even realizing that this move is about to save his life as he watches his house get torn to shreds right in front of him. 

My Quick Story:
During the summer of 1990, I found myself in Lansing, Michigan.  Beautiful rolling hills of corn as far as the eye could see.  I periodically would stay with relatives in the summer months and spend my days playing hide and seek in the corn fields.  Every summer we would experience that "one storm" that would make us feel like the end of the world is coming and sure enough that summer it almost did.

It started around 8pm at night.  The wind was picking up and the chimes on the balcony began to echo throughout the small house as the chimes banged together.  My cousins and I knew something wasn't right because my aunt was rushing around the house gathering candles and batteries while my uncle ran out to the barn to bring in the dogs (the dogs lived in the barn).  

I remember seeing my uncle running with the dogs from the barn and the sky was literally a midnight green.  The wind seemed to stop as the chimes stop clinging on the porch.  Then off in the distance one by one you could hear tornado sirens turning on.  You could see the panic in my aunt's eyes as she took us all down the basement and had us crawl under the ping pong table.  

We sat there with our hearts pounding as my uncle was still upstairs looking out the window.  Then, we felt a rumble under our feet and what sounded like a train passing close by.  My uncle began to scream "cover your heads and get in the corner!" as he ran downstairs.  You could hear dirt blasting against the house as the rumble grew closer.   We all thought that the house was about to be torn apart and us with it.  Luckily, that didn't happen.  As quick as the storm came it left.  

We stepped outside to broken trees and debris everywhere.  At that point, I asked for a new pair of pants.

Have you ever experienced a tornado that up close?  (Comment in the section below!  Would love to hear your story!)

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