Is NASA About To Announce Discovery Of Alien Life?
The internet is in a buzz after Anonymous has claimed that NASA is about to announce the discovery of alien life! Yes, you read that right...Aliens! Now, this doesn't necessarily mean little green men with bobble heads walking around as depicted in almost every movie. This simple discovery could be as small as finding microbes on a distant planet or it could be finding intelligent life forms.
Should We Contact Aliens?
The way I figure it contacting aliens could go 1 of 4 ways...
1. The aliens are friendly, share technology with us, we live longer and prosper.
2. What is the one resource found on earth that is rare anywhere else in the universe? Protein. The aliens could harvest the planet like cattle in a field.
3. Aliens could visit earth and force us into world peace (best case scenario)
4. We find out aliens been living here this entire time and that my 3rd-grade teacher is, in fact, a ALIEN.