Christmas Video Fails
It's the most wonderful time of the year! It's Christmas! You know, that time of year when you just blow hundreds of dollars on items you'll probably never use and you eat/drink yourself into slumber every day because can.
Things are bound to go wrong every once in awhile during Christmas. For instance...
Family Fights On Christmas
Kids fighting over gifts, parents fighting over bills, families fighting over who's going to host this year's party and of course the political family arguments on Christmas. Do yourself a favor...ask for some headphone or earbuds if this is your family. And drink up on that spiked Egg Nog!
Christmas Proposals
If you are the one getting engaged CONGRATULATIONS! If you aren't, better luck next year? I mean come on, this is your chance to make a break for it. Grab your favorite dishes and drinks while the family is focused elsewhere and go have a great time!
Crying At Christmas
Be prepared for the tearjerker presents at Christmas and having your hopes shattered as you open up your present and realize it's a pair of ugly shoes you didn't ask for and not the GoPro you have been asking for oh I don't know 8 months! I mean come on where is this thing?! It better be behind the Christmas tree or maybe the cat got it...yeah that's it. I will check with him.
Relatives And Choice In Christmas Movies
I am not a huge fan of A Christmas Story...there I said it! I can only watch it maybe once in the morning and Yes I know it's a classic but TBS has it running all day long back to back. So naturally, my family will keep it on all day long and I would change it but my aunt just sat down and she seems really into it for the 4th time of the day. Guess I will just hop on Facebook to look at all the gifts people received at Christmas. Bah Humbug!
Completely joking on all of this and I feel bad for you if you read all of it. Either way Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. **no one was seriously hurt in this Christmas Fails my knowledge**