Boy Catches Santa On Hidden Camera
Everyone reading this at one point or another during their childhood (assuming you do Christmas) have thought about finding a way to catch Santa Claus in the act on Christmas morning planting gifts underneath the Christmas tree. Heck, I used went as far as setting up booby traps for Jolly old St. Nicholas which included trip wires, flour sprinkled on the floor for foot prints and my alarm clock set to 3am (the time I assumed he came).
What happened when I woke up?
My alarm clock magically didn't go off, there were boot foot prints in the powder and a note was left on the trip wire saying "Naughty, Naughty".
...Well played Santa, well played.
Regardless, you can't help but get those old school feelings watching this video of a kid actually catching Santa Claus on camera. The video shows Santa showing up magically and placing gifts underneath the Christmas tree. The kids reaction is priceless.