Accidental Strip Prank Leaves Victims Jaws On Floor
Picture this, you stop by an office to pick up some paperwork your boss has been requesting. You walk into the office to find a beautiful girl (or guy) standing there. "Are these the documents?" you stutter as you point to the box they are holding for you. "Sure" they say and lean out to pass you the box.
You grab the box and as you pull away you realize you pull off their clothes leaving them accidentally completely naked!
You stand there thinking to yourself with this nude person standing in front of you...
1: OMG!
2. I am in deep doo doo.
3. How in the hell did this even happen?!
4. OMG!
The Accidental Strip Prank Breakdown
So the creators over at got the brilliant idea to put this gorgeous model by the name of Charlie Taylor in a room and had random people visit her office to retrieve paperwork. When the unsuspecting victims take the box from Break's Charlie Taylor, they accidentally remove all of her clothes leaving her in the nude and them with their jaws on the floor.
Me? I would play it cool...take a few steps back and run and jump out the window assuming it's only a 2 story building and go full sprint home knowing I would be in trouble somehow or someway.