Who Will Die In The Battle Of Winterfell On Game Of Thrones?
Let's face facts for a minute here, a lot of your favorite Game Of Thrones characters are about to die in the battle of Winterfell. It's been coming for awhile and well we were just fed two entire episodes of character building which means....it's going to get reeeeeal grim.
Naturally, there are Game Of Thrones - Battle Of Winterfell Death Pools circulating the internet where you can select who you think will die first. If you would like to take this quiz, you can do so below:
Take the Game Of Thrones - Season 8 - Battle Of Winterfell Death Pool
Which Game Of Thrones characters do people think are going to die at the battle of Winterfell? Here is the top 5 based on internet polls below.
- Theon Greyjoy - Let's be honest, this guy's had it coming for awhile and literally gets beat up by everyone on that show.
- Jaime Lannister - Although awesome, it feels like Jaime is tired and over it all. If I were him I would head out somewhere tropical and give up the sword for a coconut rum drink or whatever they drink on there.
- Brienne Of Tarth - There is no way Brienne Of Tarth is going to die ok? She is meant to live her life out with Tormund drinking giant's milk.
- Bran Stark - **scratching head** I mean...come on. He seems pretty calm about everything. It's almost as though he doesn't care if he is captured.
- The Dude Shoveling Manure At End Of Episode 2 - For sure this guy is gone. I mean, he couldn't clean up horse poop, what makes you think he is going to be able to handle a white walker.
Speaking of manure, it was a badddd idea to put people into the Stark crypt.