Is The Office Getting A Reboot Next Year?
If you have never watched The Office in your entire life, then I urge you to literally stop reading right now, go to your Netflix accounts (or whomever you are currently 'sharing' one with) and give the first few episodes of the Office a try. Trust me, just get through the first three episodes of The Office and you will laugh non-stop for 8+ seasons.
I'm really not kidding, I love The Office so much that every day I pop it on the tv while I am cooking up dinner and still laugh at that show.
Regardless, the show ran it's course like every great show. Steve Carell left to go on to do movies and did everyone else. Ed Helms (Andy) went on to do the Hangover movies and John Krasinski (Jim)ended up becoming a blockbuster action movie star (still weird).
The Office ending left a huge gaping hole in their fans lives that couldn't simply be filled with Parks and Rec (another great show similar to the office).
So it is no surprise that the internet is going crazy (not literally) after suspicious tweets and teases of an Office Reboot!
Will There Be An Office Reboot?!
Besides the random tweets from the Office cast and vague interview snippets of cast members teasing the possibility, we now have Steve Carell himself entertaining the idea of an Office reboot on Saturday Night Live and I so hope this is going to happen.