This Is Why You Always Need TO Keep Your Head Up At A Sporting Event. (Well this and the beer guy.)
A kid is enjoying his favorite football team while sitting in the stands behind the goal post. After the competing team scored a touchdown he was probably just digusted and lost focus of the field goal taking place leaving him vulnerable to the perfect feild goal football traveling at a high rate of speed coming straight for his noggin sending him flying off his feet.
The kid is ok, but how many times have you gone to a sporting event and thought "I can't imagine what it would be like to get hit by that (puck, baseball, football, golf ball, basketball)?
For me, it's pretty much every game I have ever attended.
Let's start off with Hockey.
Hockey Fan Hit By Puck
Hockey pucks are heavy and are made out of tough rubber. Now imagine that traveling at over 90+mph and taking it off your head.
Side note: In my earlier days playing Hockey I witnessed a fellow hockey player take a slapshot to his MOUTH! Yes! The puck completely smashed in his teeth top and bottom and he spit out the puck with chicklets. So gross.
Basketball Fan Injuries
It's not the basketballs you really have to worry about, it's the 7 ft 250lb+ basketball players using you as a crash pad. Ouch!
Soccer Fan Injuries
Let's be honest here, it's not the fans that get hurt in soccer, it's the soccer players.
Either by phantom ghosts hitting them or upset fans rushing the field.