Be Careful Out There! Normal Traffic Stop Turns Into Life Sentence For Driver
I am just going to be upfront with you and let you know that this isn't just a normal traffic stop. The driver of this car planned this entire scenario out so he could propose to his girlfriend who was riding passenger in the car. He drives in his corvette, cop pulls behind him, pulls him over, he asks "Why did you pull me over", Officer says "step out of your car", girlfriend steps out of the passenger side, driver is handcuffed and then he proposes. Not too shabby.
Now everyone has their own idea of the "perfect engagement" but this blog post is actually dedicated to the lavish proposals that didn't end well.
PS: I also want to make a quick service announcement that 99.9% of all Basketball proposals, Kiss Cams and Dances are fake. You know you were thinking the same thing.