10 Of The Creepiest Vintage Halloween Costumes
It's the Halloween season and of course everyone one has one thing on their mind "What am I going to be for Halloween"? Lucky for us, in the modern day age we can quickly go on Amazon or stop by a Halloween store, find a costume in our size and bam...all set.
In the days before our modern conveniences that wasn't the case. Everyone just used their imaginations and the limited materials around them to create their own Halloween costumes. And the results?
Absolutely terrifying.
(Bare with me as these descriptions are not accurate whatsoever)
1. Pumpkin Head Costume - Limited on time and materials these two just opted to create pumpkin head and what appears to be an old beer case as a mask.
2. Vintage Sluggish Face Masks - A folklore legend of the sluggish face small clown people that once roamed the forests of Kentucky. They would steal socks and your front teeth at night and are absolutely terrifying.
3. Frontier Men And Hunt - I don't know what's going on with these costumes but it appears to be frontiersmen, with Indians and giant Donnie Darko type animals. Oh yes, then there is a massive baby in the middle with a mohawk. Imagine going for a jog at night and running into this crew. Yikes.
4. The Duck, Lion, and Witch - A classic Urban tale in upstate New York. At one point, a witch broke a Duck and Lion out of the local zoo to learn their futures with a crystal ball. They later became famous and made an appearance on Johnny Carson along with started a cereal company. They later split over disagreements. (I have no idea why you just read all that)
5. The Baker Twins - Their legend is based around twins that would enjoy approaching people in public with open arms as if they are doing a good deed. When the unexpected people in gave in for the hug, the twins would simply not hug back and would just stand there like this...terrifying.
6. Insane Scarecrow Posse - This legend is based on the most friendly people in an Idaho neighborhood. They would roam the streets passing out food, helping the sick and walking elderly people across the street. They were given a golden key to a city at Idaho at one point but sold it and donated the money to help sick children.
7. These Aren't Masks - Imagine arriving in the night to a Bed and Breakfast in the countryside. There is a note on the counter that says "Welcome! We are currently asleep, but please feel free to check yourself into your room at the top of the stairs to the right".
You enjoy a good night sleep and wake up to this family hovering over your bed not saying a word.
8. Janet and Chad - Known throughout history as being the very best at ding dong ditch. They still hold the record at 898 successful attempts and were only caught once. They are forever immortalized with these masks at 89% accuracy.
9. The Soup Gang - ....I have no idea what they are going with here but it's utterly terrifying.
10. School Ghouls - I made quite a few "scary" masks with construction paper as a kid. None of them come close to being as scary as these.