Are You Serious

I have a question, why does everyone dog the younger generation? I don't get it. Did everyone forget what it was like to be young? I see that the older generation is just too serious and uptight. Did everyone forgot what it was like to have fun? I'm from this new laid back generation that is driving people crazy.  I don't have a job right now and that's OK. I still live with my parents and that too is OK. If my parents aren't complaining about me living at home, why should anyone else? I had a job at the mall and it just paid minimum wage. I had to quit. I think too highly of myself to make minimum wage. The older generation didn't have the options we have today. Back then, when you turned 18, your parents kicked you out. That's horrible. Why have kids if you can't afford to take care of them until they find their way? You're suppose to have fun while you're young and I'm young. I think the older generation is just jealous and projecting that anger on us. Now you're old  and have too much responsibility to enjoy life. That's not our fault so please stop talking negatively about us. 

Life is good right now if you're young. We have friends, gaming systems, great places that are lit to hang and no responsibility yet. In the next couple of years, I'll get a suit, dust off the resume and decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. Until then, I'l probably go back to sleep until 1, call some friends and have fun the rest of the day. Maybe we'll go to the beach or theme park.The weather is going to be great today. I know hearing this while you're going to your low paying job and kids crying  in the back seat, really upsets you. That's not my fault or problem so don't get mad at me for your poor life choices. Just remember what it was like to be young, if you can and give us a break. 


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