CancerBank Poker Night

CancerBank is a local charity that I work closely with... They step in and help local families with the day to day struggles that a lot of people don't even realize occur when a loved one is fighting cancer.

About 5 years ago they helped me out more than can ever possibly repay when my Mom was fighting cancer... So anytime I can do anything for them I am there! The organization is 100% funded by donations so we rely on events to collect the bulk of the money that is then spent to help local families.

We have our 7th Annual Poker Tournament coming up on April 21st and would love as many people as possible to join us! You don't have to be a shark... I am well below average at Poker and lucked my way to a 7th place finish once... and either way it's all for a great cause!

Click Here for all of the details and to register!

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