Spoiled brat drives new BMW into river because he wanted a Jaguar

Spoiled brat drives new BMW into river because he wanted a Jaguar

If that title doesn't make your blood just boil, I don't know what will. So apparently this punk 22 year old kid in India received a brand new BMW for his birthday from his parents. Now most of us would literally fall to the floor crying our eyes out while hugging our parents as we slowly walk towards our BMW with trembling hands like a zombie from the walking dead. But not this kid, ohhhh no, not this punk.

The 22 year old didn't want a BMW....he wanted a Jaguar. So what did he do? He took his new BMW to a near by river and drove it straight in sending it floating down the river. He then recorded video of his not destroyed BMW floating down the river and sent it TO HIS DAD!

The following gif would be my reaction:

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