Losing and Finding Your GoPro

I saw a story on Fox News about a guy that lost his GoPro in the ocean 7 years ago and someone finally found it and returned it to him. I only lost mine for about 3 minutes but the video that it caught sinking to the bottom of the ocean was pretty cool...

We were in Jamaica and I was going on all the water slides at every stop... and since my wife just got me a GoPro... I was recording all of it. The last stop was at a Margaritaville that had a huge slide that sent you into the ocean. My wife told me not to try to hold on to the camera on the way down... Tequila told me it would be fine... Turns out my wife is smarter than tequila.

I hit the water... the camera instantly flew out of my hand and sunk... It was only 15 feet down... and it was a new camera... plus no way I was flying home with a wife that was holding the ultimate "I told you so"... I waved the guy from the top of the slide down... he grabbed a mask... slid down... and saved the day! I gave him $50... a small price to pay for a cool video, my camera back, and avoiding the "I told you so..."

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