Vaccinated? Don't Do This...

With the age limits dropping, more and more people are getting the Covid vaccine. Obviously, there is still a lot to learn about it and what happens in the months and even years after you get it... but Huffington Post has some things you should not do when getting vaccinated... and one very important thing that you can do.

Before we get to their list, there is one thing they left off that you should avoid. STOP POSTING YOUR VACCINE CARD ON SOCIAL MEDIA! I know for a lot of people it's "photos or it didn't happen..." and that's fine when you're talking about loaded mimosas at brunch... but that card has personal information on it. So really... maybe just leave that one off Instagram...

Now to the list...

1. Don't take over-the-counter medications like Advil or Tylenol right before your shot. There's a slim chance it could interfere with the immune response doctors want to see. But taking them afterward to help with symptoms is okay.

2. Don't worry about drinking alcohol. Yes, too much can weaken your immune system in general. But there's no evidence that it affects the vaccine or how well it works... I'm a fan of this one...

3. Don't get a tattoo or piercing right after your shot. There's a slight chance it could trigger an immune response on top of the one you're getting from the vaccine.

CLICK HERE to check out the full list.

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