When I was in college, we used to schedule classes around watching Jerry Springer... And we all got together to watch "Jerry Springer Too Hot For TV"... But before Jerry, there was Maury. When The Maury Povich Show started, it wasn't all paternity and lie detectors. You can actual blame... or better yet, THANK, Jerry Springer for that. After 7 years of trying to be more like Oprah, when Springer hit the scene, Maury started to shift to the dark side. Somehow Maury managed to seem classy and newsy, even while having people break dance on stage after finding out that they "ARE NOT THE FATHER". Jerry has moved on, but Muary is still killing it. His formula works. He averages 1.6 million viewers a day... And once you see the first video intro, you can't turn the TV off until you get those results!
In honor of The Father of Paternity Tests... Here is 20 minutes of the best Results Reveals... And why do they always run the same path off the stage?!