SIDETAKERS: Riley vs. Jude

Riley and Jude have a seventeen-year-old daughter. She is a Senior in High School. She has been seeing a boy from school since school started. He's a football player and very popular. This is her first real boyfriend and she really likes him


Jude was playing golf with some friends over the weekend and they brought in a new guy in, to play the foursome. He was a bit cocky and arrogant but Jude didn't mind because he played well and they were all having a good time. After they played, they all went to the clubhouse to have some beers before they went home. The new guy was being obnoxious, talking loud and bragging on his kid. It was obvious that he had a bit much to drink. He mentioned that his son played football and he had all these girlfriends. How he didn't know how his son could keep up with them. When he mentioned the school, Jude realized that this guy's son went to the same school as his daughter. Didn't think anything of it. After a couple of beers, Jude went home

When he got home, Jude asked Riley if their daughter knew this kid. Riley told him that the kid was their daughter's boyfriend. Jude really hasn't paid a lot attention about the boys their daughter was dating. He knew that Riley was on top of it. Their daughter it a good girl, "A" student, in student government etc. Riley trust her make the right decisions. She met the kid and didn't think he was a bad kid. 

Friday is homecoming and their daughter is going to the Homecoming Dance with her boyfriend, the football player. She's excited because it's her Senior year and she's looking forward to going with this guy. She has bought a dress and has plans to get hair and makeup done. 

Jude wants to tell their daughter and forbid her from going to the Dance with him. Riley wants to let her daughter go and tell her afterward. Make sure that she has the conversation about not doing anything that could possibly changer her life forever. (sex) Give her a strong curfew time and tell here after the Dance. Then let her have a conversation with the boy about what his father said and let her decide what she wants to do with the relationship.

Who Do You Side With On Side Takers:

Side with Jude and they will tell their daughter about what they heard and she may not go to the Homecoming Dance

Side with Riley and they wait until after the Dance and let her decide what she wants to do with her relationship. 

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