SIDETAKERS with Ava and Ben!

Last Thursday, in school, kids were playing on the playground. For some reason, the older kids were playing with the younger ones. An older kid started picking on Ben and Ava's son's friend. Their son told the older kid to stop. Then the older kid turned his attention to their little boy. Picking on him about being so small. Ben and Ava's son asked him to stop. The older kid said, "What are you going to do if I don't?" That's when their son hit the older kid in his kidney. He fell like a tree. The teachers ran to see what happened and both the kids got it trouble but not suspended.

 When Ben and Ava asked their kid what happened, he told them the story. They also asked how he knew where to hit the bigger kid. Their son told them he learned it on YouTube.

Now Ava wants to punish their son for fighting in school. He could've got suspended because he hit the bigger kid first. The bigger kid said he was just joking, and the little kid hit him . Ava wants to do something like taking his phone and PlayStation away for a couple of days.

Ben doesn't want to punish his son. Instead, he wants to reward him for taking up for himself against the older, bigger kid. Actually, Ben is proud of his little boy. Now, no one will pick on his kid for the rest of the year because he beat up the older bigger kid. 


 If you Side with Ava, they will punish the little boy for fighting in school.

If you Side with Ben, their son will be rewarded for standing up for himself against a bigger kid

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