SideTakers with Laura and Jason

Laura and Jason have a 20-yLaura and Jason have a 20-year-old daughter and she's an only child.. She has been in college in California for two years. She has found a great group of friends and is doing well there. They haven't seen her in about a year and miss her dearly.


Laura and Jason's daughter has gone 100% vegan. She won't eat anything that comes from an animal. That includes dairy and eggs. 

She wants to come home for Thanksgiving with a bunch of her friends, but the meal has to be vegan. Laura did research and the majority of things that they normally cook won't be included. 

Jason isn't cool with this. He loves his daughter but thinks he shouldn't have to change his thanksgiving to make his daughter's friends happy. Their daughter knows that he loves turkey, ham, mac and cheese and all the desert that they normally would have. Jason feels like it's their daughter, they pay the college tuition, and they should MAKE her come home for thanksgiving. They haven't seen her in a year, and she doesn't have to work or have school at this time. Come home. 

Laura is happy that their daughter seems to be so happy in college. She's making A in all of her classes and the friends she has are a good influence on her. It would be great to meet the people that their daughter has been talking about for a couple years. If the meal isn't 100% vegan, then they will go to another friend's family in another state for thanksgiving. This is a deal that they the friends made with each other so that they all can spend time together for thanksgiving. 

Jason wants to see his daughter, couldn't care less about her friends. Laura is like we need to make sacrifices, and this is a small one to see their daughter and her new friends.

Who do you side with on Side Takers:

Side with Laura and they will have a vegan thanksgiving and see their daughter

Side with Jason and they'll have a traditional Thanksgiving, and their only child will be there.  

and their only child will be there.  

and their only child will be there.  

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