Thomas and Sandy have been married 20 years. They have two sons, one in the 11th grade and one in the 10th. The son in the 10th grade has been struggling with grades, missed a few assignments but is barely going to the 11th grade next year. The older son is a straight A student, going to his senior year with honors.
Thomas works for a huge corporation. Last week, he won a raffle, and the winning prize is a trip to Los Angelas to see the Laker vs the Warriors Basketball for Saturday's NBA playoff game. His company is big on family, and he can only bring one immediate family member. His wife can't go because someone needs to stay and watch the kids. Thomas wants to bring his oldest son because he has done so well this year in school and this is like a reward for all his hard work.
Sandy thinks Thomas should bring their youngest child because he's struggling in school and had a very rough year. Something like this could change everything for next year. Not going could really set him back
Thomas wants to show his sons what happens when you work hard and do everything that is expected of you. His oldest son has done everything that has been asked of him and feels that he should be rewarded. His youngest son missed some projects that he knew were due but didn't do it. Watching them go to the game for the weekend may open his eyes to stop slacking and get the work done on time. Thomas feels that Sandy is softer on their youngest child because he is the youngest.
Sandy just feels that this could be some father, son bonding time and maybe get to their youngest son to do better.
Side with Thomas and he takes his oldest son to the flyaway trip.
Side with Sandy and Thomas has to take their youngest son.