Sidetakers with Sam and Ella

It's time for SideTakers! This is where you pick a side... don't try to find a solution... who do you side with? THE SITUATION:

Sam told his son that if he saved enough money that he would match it and could buy his mother a huge birthday present. His son has been saving since January and he has saved $1200.00. Sam was thinking it would be around $200.00. He wasn't prepared for this and has to go into the household savings.

Sam and Ella have an agreement that they both had to agree on using the family's savings.

Ella doesn't feel that this is a good reason to go into family savings just to give his son $1200. $1200 for an ex-wife that won't even recognized that see exist. Ella and Sam's ex-wife don't really like each other. 

Sam mentioned that he promised his son and he has to give him the money. Ella is like, that's great but he's not trying to give him "His" money. This is not "His" money, it's the family money and she's not agreeing.

Ella thinks that this is a great learning experience for the young man. Sam just doesn't want to disappoint his son. The mother has no idea she's getting a gift so she wouldn't be hurt by not receiving the present.  


If you side with Sam, he gets the money from the family's bank account.

If you side with Ella, the money won't come out of the family's bank account. 

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