No matter what you see on the Discovery Channel... these common "tips" could make it even harder for you to survive...
"You can suck the venom out of a snakebite..." It doesn't work and just gets bacteria into the wound... Don't do it...
"Always play dead if you're attacked by a bear." If it's a brown bear or a grizzly bear, that's true. But black bears are way more common in the U.S. and you need to FIGHT BACK if they attack you... and if they want you to prevent forest fires just listen to them...
"If you're lost in the woods, you need to find food." Don't waste your time and energy on it, because you can actually survive several weeks without food... and lose some weight... Finding water is a lot more important... Or maybe your way out... You'll be dead in a few days if you don't.
"If you break open a cactus, you can drink the water." Some types do have water in them, but it's not CLEAN water. The chemicals in it can make you sick. Then you'll puke and be even more dehydrated... It only works on TV...
"If you're attacked by a shark, punch it in the nose." You're actually better off going for its eyes or its gills... but if you kill it... it's entire shark family will stalk the beach town in which you live...
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