Series finales are a gamble. They're never going to please everyone, but if you're lucky, you can please most of them. Sometimes even that doesn't happen.
A website called From the Grapevine put together a list of five series finales that blew it, and five that didn't... Two of which I suffered through...
The Winners... "Grimm", "Justified", "Breaking Bad", "Six Feet Under", and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".
Breaking Bad I watched and I can say was pretty awesome... I would add Seinfeld and Friends to that list as well...
The Losers... "Lost", "Dexter", "The Sopranos", "Bloodline", and "Angel"
Lost and Dexter are the two on this list that I watched... and yeah... they were losers... Actually "Lost" was bad for pretty much the last 3 seasons...
See the list and explanations HERE