We talked about Conspiracy Theories on the air today... The list of texts that we received from people giving theirs was CRAZY...
Here are some of my favorites... And NONE OF THESE ARE MINE!!!
I have a friend that believes pretty much every conspiracy theory that there is. 911 was staged every mass shooting was staged by the government. He believes that the earth is flat. He believes that numerology and submitting to the devil is the reason why a lot of celebrities seemingly commit suicide at such a young age a.k.a. they''re not actually dead. And he believes in Radionics and actually drove to either Alabama or Arkansas to do a one-on-one session with a Radionics teacher. He''s actually a really great guy just has some wacky beliefs…
Moutains are really big trees that have been cut down…
Hotdog manufactures conspiracy why is it sold as 8 hotdogs and yet the buns are sold as of 12 per pack…
The conspiracy theory that I believe in is that Donald Trump is actually a robot being controlled by the NRA…
The government funded the drug cartels in Mexico. Bringing drugs into America to eliminate the poor…
I was a criminal justice major and College. For one of my research papers I compared the movie JFK to actual facts. After researching multiple sources Itruly believe that the movie was spot-on and there was a conspiracy between our government and the Cubans and the KKK to kill JFK…
Theme parks are working with the government by providing finger print information to identify people….
The chicken we eat is fake there s no way there s enough chicken wings…
That we are ants, each country is a different colony and when some one dies it's because we were burned by a magnifying glass…
I believe that the Apple programs their phones to have the batteries die when the new iPhone gets released in September. Anyone s battery been sucky lately????
Area 51 is not only hiding aliens but they're also trying to replicate the zombie gene…
My friend believes that dinosaur bones and dinosaurs never existed. The dinosaur bones were just put in the ground to test Us by God…