It's known as the unluckiest of days... But is it really bad luck?
74% of people say they've had bad luck on a Friday the 13th in the past... But that could just be people overstating things. Statistically speaking, today isn't any more dangerous than any other day. A study out of Finland found there's no increase in bad things happening on Friday the 13th...
To make it extra creepy... This is only the fifth time in the past three decades that Friday the 13th has happened in October. The previous ones are 1989, 1995, 2000, and 2006.
And some people take it very seriously... 5% of people plan to stay in their house all day today just to be safe. It's estimated that around $900 MILLION is lost in business every Friday the 13th... from all the people who decide not to fly, go to work, or leave their house at all.
I say don't let Friday the 13th win... go out today and step on a crack... walk under a ladder... let a black cat walk in front of you... and break a mirror...