What Would End A Date Immediately
Thankfully I am married... I mean I joke all the time about how bad it is... but for real... it's just jokes... because if I wasn't married I would have to date... and that is scary... I do take my wife on "Date Nights" but at this point we are beyond Dating Deal Breakers. But for those of you that aren't... A survey found the list of Top Dating Deal Breakers...
1. Saying something racist or intolerant.
2. Being inconsiderate or rude.
3. Bad hygiene.
4. Saying something sexist.
5. Making it clear you're not over your ex.
6. Being closed-minded.
7. Doing drugs.
8. Having bad manners.
9. Being ignorant.
10. Being flaky or showing up late.
Now most of these are... or should be common sense... but I guess you never know... You can check out more from the survey HERE... and Good Luck out there!