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Do You Pay Your Kids?

What Are Kids Earning These Days?

I will start by saying my son does not get an allowance... I didn't get one growing up... I don't like the idea of paying your kids... I do give him money here and there to go out and do things... But having a pay scale for doing things I think he should do anyway is crazy to me?

Do You Pay Your Kids?

A lot of people do... The average kid gets $8-a-week in allowance, according to a new study.  Plus they can also earn more for random chores... Here's a list of the rates you can expect to pay for your kids doing stuff around the house...

1.  Washing the car is worth an average of $4 extra.

2.  Taking care of the yard, $4.

3.  Cleaning their room, $2.

4.  Laundry, $2.

5.  Vacuuming, $1.50.

6.  Taking out the garbage, $1.

7.  Washing the dishes, $1.

To me, most of those things fall into the "You Live Here So Do It Bucket"... On the plus side... the study says kids save about 37% of the money they get... On the negative side... not my son... if any thing he spends more than he has!

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