Yes We Know... UCF Went Undefeated...
UCF had a great season... They won a lot of games... They won the American Athletic Conference... They won the Peach Bowl... They DID NOT win the National Championship.
Can We Stop Now?
I know it started as a feel good thing... UCF getting no respect from the College Football Playoff Committee... And that part is true... but it went from a conversation starter to T-Shirts, to a parade, to the Governor signing a proclamation, to a banner in the stadium... and today all over the news... a new banner outside the practice field... Can we stop now?
I Like UCF... I Do...
I was born and raised in Central Florida... I spent a semester fighting to park for my 9am classes (Back before UCF became as amazing as it is now)... But I love College Football... and you can't just call yourself National Champions because you had a great season... That's not how this works... That's not how any of this works... and before you say "Why do you keep talking about it?" It's because nobody else can stop... and I started this with a simple question... CAN WE STOP NOW?
I wrote a Blog a few weeks ago that even UCF Fans have told me they can't argue with... It probably won't change your mind... but you can't argue the points... Open your mind and CLICK HERE to read it.
Oh and... CHARGE ON!