When you were a kid, you did things wrong... I mean everyone does right? I guess it was probably all relative... Did you do things wrong... or did you break the law?
How Bad Were You?
A new survey asked people about a bunch of things they could've done when they were underage... These are... for the most part... breaking the law... But I can admit that I did some of them...
1. Watched an R-rated movie at home or a friend's house, 79% of the people did... And so did I...
2. Bought alcohol, 54% of the people did... NOT ME!!
3. Bought cigarettes, 39% of the people did... NOT ME!!
4. Watched an R-rated movie at a theater, 27% did... And so did I...
I actually had a sweet deal with a local theater... they would let me buy tickets to R-rated movies and in return I would drop $25 at the concession stand... Worked for me!!!
See the full results of the survey HERE