It happens at offices all across America every day... It has probably happened in your office... it might even have happened to you...
Office Lunch Theft
Most people don't have much to look forward to at work... Lunch is their only "silver lining"... 30 minutes to just enjoy a break and maybe some Shrimp Fried Rice... But when you go to the fridge to grab your delicious lunch that you have been thinking about all day... IT'S GONE... STOLEN... Who would do such a thing?! And what does one do about it?
Well in this case, the victim did not just sit by and be... well... a victim... He sprung into action... and thankfully ZAK was there to give us the Play-By-Play on Twitter... So sit back and enjoy the Live Tweets from the Great Shrimp Fried Rice Heist of 2018...
CLICK HERE for the Twitter Thread (I should point out that this could all be fake... but it's a fun read either way)