Who knows more about what doesn't work in a relationship than the people that legally help get people out of relationships?
Researchers talked to 43 couples that have been happily married for 10 plus years... and with a few divorce lawyers came up with these questions...
Does Your Relationship Pass This Love Test?
1. Are you a good fit for each other? Which is a broad question. But just think about it.
2. Is your relationship grounded in friendship?
3. Do you try to see the best in each other?
4. Do you both have realistic expectations of each other?
5. Do you generally want the same things in life? So, things like kids, or a nice house.
6. Can you raise issues with each other, and talk them out?
7. Do you keep things exciting?
8. Are you both committed to working through tough times?
9. Would you pull together in hard times? Which is kind of the same as the last one.
10. Do you each have your own support group, so you don't just rely on each other?
Keep in mind that answering NO to some of these doesn't mean you're doomed... BUT....
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