I have a 13 year old son... and he is underpaid. According to a new survey, the average kid brings home just over $9 a week in allowance. I don't pay my kid an allowance at all. My theory is why would I pay him just for being a functioning member of our household. I don't get paid just being a functioning adult. I do pay him for grades... only the good ones. We had a discussion about school and I told him that school is his job... just like I have to go to work and perform everyday, so does he. It took about half a second for him to shoot back... "Well don't you get paid when you do your job well???" I couldn't really argue that honestly so I said OK... do your job well and I will pay you... So that's his source of income... but I won't pay for making your bed?!
How Much Do You Pay Your Kids?
Children between the ages of 4 and 14 years old got an average of $471 a year or $9.06 per week...
Click Here for the full survey!