Some people would argue that a messy desk is a sign of genius... I think it is a sign of creativity for sure. But there are a few things on your desk might be making you look bad.
Your Desk Is Making You Look Bad
Clutter is one thing... but somethings can make your desk seem unprofessional to... well... professionals. Full disclosure I happen to have three of the items that are named on this list on my desk as I type this. One of them I will take home today, the other two I am keeping... so I will just have to look unprofessional.
- Empty food containers... OK... I had those until about 30 seconds ago...
- Tons of sticky notes... Can we clarify "Tons"?
- Suggestive Pics... Ummmm... Who does that?!
- An open purse... Nope... I always close my purse...
Check out the full list HERE... and clean up accordingly!