You don't have to know or even like Football to win some money on Sunday. You can bet on anything from Trump's tweets to Pitbull showing up?
Heads or Tails
Heads or Tails? The coin toss is the most simple bet on the board. Every year, this bet returns to the list of available Super Bowl bets — people can’t stay away. Even though a coin toss is a 50/50 gamble, people are actually betting on heads at a 56% rate, according to betting action.
National anthem length
Over 2 minutes
Under 2 minutes
This year, the national anthem will be performed by pop artist Demi Lovato, and the deep dive into the singer’s past has already begun. Gamblers will recall that Lovato has performed the “The Star-Spangled Banner” for a national audience four times, registering different lengths each time. Lovato has cleared the two-minute mark only one time.
Number of tweets from President Trump on Super Bowl Sunday
Over 13.5
Under 13.5
Another popular Trump bet for the Super Bowl the last few years has been how many times the Commander and Chief will tweet. There’s some statistical evidence to suggest that as Trump’s presidency has gone on, his daily tweet output has also increased.
Halftime show guest appearances
Pitbull: Yes/ No
DJ Khaled: Yes/ No
Every year, rumors of guest appearances during the halftime show run rampant on the internet. Popular names that have been rumored to be joining Jennifer Lopez and Shakira onstage are Miami artists DJ Khaled and Pitbull.