Will Smith didn't win an Oscar for his role in "Ali" but he showed off his right hook on stage at The Oscars last night! A lot of people thought it was staged, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Chris Rock was doing what most hosts and comedians do, he was going through the crowd making jokes about other celebs... The he got to Will and Jada. Most clips I saw early didn't show the joke, so I assumed it was an "entanglement" joke... but it really wasn't anything like that... Seems like maybe Will had just had enough... *CAUTION... THIS IS NOT EDITED*
The silence after the slap... and the fact that Chris was struggling to get through the next few minutes, to me, show that this was legit... Will did apologize, although not directly to Chris, when he won his award. The Academy tweeted out a response... Check out this screen shot of all the reactions in the room...