Texas Rancher Finds Dozens Of Rattlesnakes Under House
Imagine laying in bed at night and hearing rattle noises underneath your floor boards. Not really knowing what it was, you go back to sleep and think nothing of it. Little do you know there is actually an infestation of dozens of rattlesnakes just beneath your feet! Yes, rattlesnakes. You know the deadly snakes that come with a baby rattler to let people know "Hey, I am pretty pissed right now, keep your distance or else....".
A Texas Rancher noticed a few snakes under this home and began to investigate the rattlesnake issue even further only to find an infestation of rattlesnakes that would make even Indiana Jones run away.
How many rattlesnakes did they find? Try 45 :X
PS: Don't watch the rattlesnake video below if you get scared easily. Yikes!