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Graveyard Security Guard Probably Quit After This

Graveyard Security Guard Gets Scared While On The Job

I will admit it, I am a complete sucker for scary videos on Youtube. Especially scary videos that show people's reactions to terrifying and spooky situations like this one.

A graveyard security guard notices some lights flickering on and off at the crypt deep in the graveyard he is at. So what does he do? Like any good security guard he goes and investigates it.

What happens next literally gave me the chills for two reasons.

  1. This is just an elaborate hoax and this security guard is using his time to make fake videos to upload to the internet for views.
  2. This is real and you should never visit a graveyard at night without a proton pack (that's a Ghostbusters reference in case you're wondering)

Either way, it's terrifying.

If that doesn't terrify you, here is 5 spooky haunted graveyard videos with alleged ghosts on camera.

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