Is Drinking Vodka Good For Your Health?
Let me start off by stating that I am no Doctor ok? I am just like the 90% of you that starts to get random symptoms, decides to Google what it could be, freaks out and finally goes to the doctor to find out it's just a wee bit too much fiber, but anyways I digress.
Let's dive right in and look at these 5 reasons why Vodka is actually good for you!
(Disclaimer: This is all allegedly from Town and Country and you should take it with a grain of salt...with some lemon and vodka )
1. Vodka relieves stress!
Well obviously anyone is going to feel pretty good after a few Vodka drinks, but did you know it actually relieves stress? Yes, and it's actually backed by science to be more effective than Red Wine.
2: Vodka is a medical cure?!
Did you know that Vodka is a natural disinfectant and antiseptic? Yep! Vodka can actually be used to clean your house, clean wounds, numb pain and even help toothaches.
3: Vodka is potentially good for your heart?
Allegedly (I had to start this sentence out with allegedly because I guess this is based on an animal study) but Vodka actually has the ability to increase your blood flow and circulation in your body. What does that mean to you? Well, it could potentially help to prevent clots, strokes, and other heart-related diseases.
4: Vodka can help your oral hygiene
Sure, vodka can help you relieve that toothache pain but did you know that it also can help relieve that horrible breath you have? So before you're about to make that move, take a sip of vodka? I mean as long as you don't overdo it and throw up in someone's face.
5: Have arthritis pain? Vodka can help!
So a study found that patients suffering with particular forms of arthritis have found relief with moderate dosages of vodka. So I can only assume that is the same for a long day after walking around the theme parks right? I will try it and let you know the medical results. Source
Like anything you read on the internet or order at the bar, digest this in moderation and be safe out there friends.