Finally the wife and I feel comfortable sharing the news with you all! WE ARE PREGNANT! I'm sorry if I've ignored your messages... trust me I read them all and they have helped me get through this first trimester. It's been an isolating and challenging 3 months BUT IT'S ALL WORTH IT! I'm sorry for leaving you all in the dark!
We now feel comfortable to share because we are in our second trimester!
We are so over the moon excited and we can't thank you all enough for your kind words and messages.
This has definitely been a learning process for the wife and I and I'm so glad that I get to share this experience with you all.
To everyone going through this process -- STAY STRONG! Feel free to reach out! You are not alone.
Here is the VIDEO from when we got the phone call from our doctor --->
PLUS we got with Love is Me Photography for our announcement and took some pictures :)
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YUP! Our party of two is now a party of FOUR!
We have been vlogging/blogging this whole baby making process and we can't wait to look back at these videos and share them with our kids!
You can check out some of our journey RIGHT HERE!