Sondra Rae

Sondra Rae

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50 Things I've Learned Since Becoming A Mom

HI! So it's been a while since I've done a personal blog... I've been pretty busy ;) But I promise I will get back to it! The twins are now 4 months and I wanted to share with you what I've learned in these past couple of months. 

If you are pregnant this might be able to help you in the future...

If you are a new mom and you are struggling right now... you are not alone! Check out all of these things below!!

  1. A woman’s body is a magical thing
  2. No amount of books, research, or advice could prepare you for twins.
  3. Being a NICU Mom is life changing
  4. Holding 3lb babies (preemies) scared this shit out of me
  5. Pumping every two hours is very painful
  6. The way your boobs look after you stop pumping is frightening
  7. People like to shame you for not breastfeeding anymore
  8. Looking at my C-section scar makes me feel like the strongest person alive
  9. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don’t recognize myself
  10. Ignore everyone who tells you to "savor the moment," because they have definitely forgotten that "this moment" almost always involves lots of crying
  11. Not leaving the house for 3 days is unhealthy
  12. Nights are the scariest and the hardest
  13. I now know who my true friends are… I figured a lot of them would drop off after the twins were born
  14. Putting the tiny babies in the car seats is stressful. Also pulling over every couple of miles to make sure they’re breathing does eventually stop…
  15. It’s okay to cry in the shower
  16. It’s okay to go outside and walk in the rain... while crying
  17. My wife is the BEST partner and mother
  18. Google is my best friend and my enemy
  19. Always have spare clothes and wipes on standby
  20. The dishes can wait
  21. No more acrylics (Long nails) until after the diaper phase- It’s just a place for the poop to hide under!
  22. Coffee brings me back to life
  23. I miss my wife
  24. Not every parenting style is the same
  25. I am very protective over my kids – especially rude comments on social media
  26. If I need a break… I can’t beat myself up about it
  27. I wish I could give my dog more attention
  28. We make up the most ridiculous songs about anything and everything like their toots
  29. The smallest things bring me joy - like watching the sunrise through the window
  30. The difficult food allergies and acid reflux with the preemies will pass
  31. I could be SO exhausted and then see the twins smile and forget how tired I was
  32. Don’t feel guilty for pulling into a parking lot to take a quick nap before heading home
  33. Babies are expensive- hand me downs are a life saver
  34. It’s okay when people stare at you because your struggling to put the stroller together
  35. Going back to the gym is harder than the C-section recovery (NOT LABOR! That was a bitch)
  36. The house will always have toys laying around now... Not always spotless
  37. How the hell do single parents do this?
  38. People question how we're going to tell the kids about their dad (Sperm Daddy) ALL THE TIME.
  39. MOM GUILT is a THING
  40. Mom brain IS REAL
  41. Don’t even attempt to plan a sexy night… it never goes as planned
  42. Going back to work is SO Hard, But yet it’s like a little break away from the house- I can’t feel guilty for wanting a break and supporting my fam. Financially
  43. Fear of missing out (FOMO) no longer exists. Been there, done that!
  44. My life is no longer ALL about me
  45. It’s okay to have ME time
  46. I’m not alone
  47. It’s okay to ask for help
  48. It’s okay to ask for help mentally and talk to a therapist
  49. It’s okay to reminisce on the days before children
  50. I have found my purpose -- I’ve never felt so complete in my life. My wife and Kids (plus dog) are my everything

These past couple of months have been life changing! I wouldn't want it any other way... 

The wife and I have been vlogging some of our experiences with the twins... you can check it out here!!! 


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