Tim and Miles are going to the Pride Parade on Saturday in downtown Orlando. Miles is actually going to be on a float. Some of Tim co-workers want to go because they've never been and heard it's so much fun. Tim's 63-year-old boss wants to go and make it a team building event. They have a bar along the parade route that they've made arrangement to stand, drink and watch the parade go by..
Miles goes all out for the parade and float. We're talking amazing costumes. The bigger, the brighter the better. Miles works out hard and like showing his body. Tim is a little more conservation and Miles is more of a free spirit.
Tim wants Miles to tone it down this year because of all his co-workers is going to be there. Miles is going to hang out with them afterwards. With the costumes he has worn in the past, they may feel uncomfortable. Tim is treating this like a work function. Miles has been looking forward to this all year because their float was cancelled last year. The people he's riding the float with really doesn't care what he wears. It's always been Miles's decision. Tim wants him to dress up but just not as crazy. Miles doesn't like the fact that Tim's coworkers are determining what he wears at the parade. He loves Tim so he'll do what the listeners say.
Who do you side with on Side takers
Side with Tim and Miles will tone it down for the parade
Side with Miles and he'll go all out with his costume for the parade.