I want to start by saying I'm a Millennial and I totally understand technology and the future. If you haven't noticed, everyday we are getting closer to letting the government, big corporation and advertisers know everything we're doing all the time. The latest technology that has me worried are these devices like Nest, Siri , Alexa and the one that Google is putting together. These devices are suppose to run your life for you. Nest will turn up and down your thermostat because it knows what you want. I can tell Sire to find my favorite song and play in on the device that I have connected to it. Alexa will order pizza if I ask it. We think it convenience but it's a way of letting the government, big corporation and advertisers know your every move. Sooner or later a pizza is just going to show up at your door because Alexa felt because of your music choice that you want pizza. Siri will be able to tell what mood you're in because of the choices you've made throughout the day. If it continues to grow at this rate, 50 years from now, these devices will take over your day to day decisions. We won't be able to make decision until Siri sez it's OK. I love the way they're rolling it out, very slowly. It's so we slow that we don't know we're getting addicted to these devices.
People, we need to slow down for a moment. Think about the future and our lives in the it. We need to stop jumping at every new device that they push down out throats. If not we'll all be zombies but not like the ones from the Walking Dead. The new zombies that are walking around and their minds are numb from lack of use.
Stop being so lazy and pick up that phone, select your own music, order you own pizza and walk your butts over and turn up the thermostat yourself. Say no to this new technology. I've seen the future and it's doesn't look good for the human race.