I'm going to say what a lot of people want to say but they will get in trouble for saying it. Minorities are too sensitive these days. Ya'll get mad at everybody for everything. I see a Fireman was fired on his first day. He bought in a watermelon as a gift for the firefighters. One race got mad and he was fired. One race is mad because we won't give them enough money to fix their island fast enough. Believe it or not, I'm not a racist. I don't hate anyone and I treat everyone the same. If your'e a good person, you're a good person. I'm not gonna lie, white people are walking around asking themselves, "what the hell is going on?" We're confused and honestly we don't know what it is. One day everything is find and the next day, no one is standing for the national anthem. If you can get one spokesperson for each race that is mad, to articulate what the problems are, we can address them and have a better America.
I have a question, why is it that If I don't agree with your stance, I'm a racist. Maybe if you sit me down, talk to me in English and not yell at me, I will understand. We aren't all racist. Some of us are just not educated on what you're mad about. If it means that much to you, let's talk.
I didn't mean to offend anyone with my email. I feel that someone needs to say it.