I'm mad because people in Central Florida are taking advantage of FEMA. I know someone that waited two hours in line to get food assistance and he makes over $100,000 a year. This man doesn't need help to get food. They really didn't ask how much he made just the number of kids. The thing that made me really mad is that all of his kids are grown and they don't even live with him. They gave him $1000.00 in groceries and another $1000.00 for next month. That's enough groceries to last him about 5 months. I feel that he is taking advantage of the kindness of our country. I know there is no way to check everyone out when people are hungry but they need to find a better system. People are saying that the money used is from an emergency account and it's there for the purpose of helping after a natural disaster. He even told me I was dumb for not getting free food from FEMA. We aren't speaking to each other anymore.
That's what wrong with our country, everyone feels entitled. "I live in America and they have to feed me because a storm hit me." If you really need help, I'm glad that we have programs set up to help. If you made it through the storm with no damage to your home, work or person, you shouldn't be in a line to get free food. I would say 80% of the people waiting in line for assistance didn't need it. I saw people on the news that were hiding their face because they knew they were wrong. Greed is an ugly word and I'm seeing a lot of it going on right now and it needs to stop.