Charlie and Marsala's daughter has been going to private school her whole life. She attends the best private school in Central Florida. It cost a lot but they feel that it's an investment in their daughter's future.
Their daughter came to them and said that she doesn't want to go to private school anymore. Most of her friends from their neighborhood attends public school and she wants to go to school with them. She only has one real friend in private school and she's about to move away. Their daughter just feels that she would get more of the middle school/high school experience if she could just go to public school.
Marsala thinks it's OK for their only daughter to go to public school. She attended public school and she turned out fine. Charlie think their daughter is too young to make decision like that. As long as she is in private school, she's have an advantage when deciding which college she wants to attend. Charlie thinks that this isn't about friends, it's about having the best future possible and she can get that by staying in private school. Instead of changing school, Charlie thinks their daughter should be more outgoing and meet more friends. She shy and he thinks she could use this time to try to overcome her shyness. Marsala knows that her husband is trying to protect his daughter because he didn't have a good experience when he went to public school. In went to an inner city school in Chicago.
Side with Marsala and their daughter will go to public school
Side with Charlie and she will stay in private school.